Our Efforts

Jaguar Habitat is looking forward to taking our conservation efforts that we have been working on for the last few years, expanding these efforts and restoring the land back to full potential as habitat for the extensive Biodiversity.

Educating for the Future

We have been working with Belizean schools to bring students from all over Belize to the forest to educate them about the importance of the natural bounty. The tropical forest of Belize is the heritage of the children. We have established an extensive tree nursery and are able to plant out thousands of native trees each year into previously deforested areas. We are also able to offer the school children a seedling to take home with them. We feel strongly that teaching children and giving them something tangible will help lead the way to being conservationists in the future.

Locating Degraded Land

Part of our efforts are locating previously forested areas that have been deforested and are now barren.

Our primary focus is on land bordering forested areas and preserves to increase areas that the wild life can inhabit.

What We Do

Tree Nursery

We have an extensive tree nursery for propagating indigenous trees and plants of multiple species.

We have collected seeds throughout the natural forest and propagated both fast growing and slow growing trees of multiple different varieties

Reforesting Cleared Land

After identifying land that was previously cleared that is suitable for reforestation, we have a team of dedicated staff who undertake environmental husbandry and planting of indigenous tree seedlings propagated in one of our nurseries.